
Showing posts from July, 2021

India's Most Preferred Online Super Speciality Medicines | Mrmed

Most of us get by our daily lives with common illnesses and disorders. Thus, we do not feel there is any lacking in our neighbourhood pharmacies. However, those of us who have suffered from serious, chronic or rare illnesses know the hassle of procuring medications. Most general, retail and company-based pharmaceutical stores do not house drugs that are used for complex conditions. These include Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hemophilia, H.I.V. Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Hepatitis C. The disorders require super speciality medicines. Super speciality medicines or speciality pharmaceuticals are a recent designation of pharmaceuticals that are classified as high-cost, high complexity and/or high touch. They are derived from living cells and are administered either orally or through injections. The above-mentioned diseases are some, which are treated using these speciality drugs. In comparison to some mere 30 years ago, the world is currently in a much better place vis-a-vis

Drug Companies Patient Assistance Programs | Helping Patients or Profits?

Medication is costly. Even the pills, solutions, and syrups that are used on a day-to-day basis can become a large part of the budget. Therefore, it is not surprising how much costlier specialty medicines might be. A lot of research goes into understanding and studying various symptoms and conditions of diseases. Further, research to cure or prevent them is time-consuming and expensive. On top of that, add the capitalism of Big Pharma companies to this cocktail. As a result, common masses for whom such medicines become a necessity, have to bear the brunt of high prices. Many patients and their families can barely afford a lot of rare medications. Those, who are able to cannot continue for long or incur large debts. This is where the Patient Assistance Programs come to the rescue. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers often sponsor  Patient Assistance Programs  (or PAPs) for individuals who cannot afford their medication. The importance of PAPs is multi-fold. Even with self-bought medical insura

Imported Medicines in India | Mrmed

India is one of the largest producers and exporters of generic drugs. We house some of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world who manufacture at a huge scale. Many countries purchase a lot of pharmaceutical products from India because of large production quantities and low costs. However, there are a lot of medications that are not produced within the country. This is why pharmacies need to acquire and sell imported medicines in India .             Recently, it was discovered that artemisinin, fluoxetine, oxytocin, and lamivudine were only available in less than half of the private drugstores. They are medications to treat malaria, mental health issues, women's issues and HIV respectively. Our country has a high incidence of all these disorders or conditions. It was also found out that drugs for Tuberculosis, which India has the highest rate of, were not widely available. These deficiencies and increased incidence of health conditions have created a strong need for importe

MrMed - Super Specialty Pharmacy...

As days go by, humanity is faced with health challenges and scares they have never seen before. Since the last century, a lot of new diseases and afflictions have come up. However, human-made health care systems are up for this task. With research and new discoveries made every day, a lot of diseases can be cured or controlled. specialty drugs are an important part of this. Apart from researching cures for general illnesses like high blood pressure and diabetes, drug companies have started concentrating on rare diseases. Diseases like hepatitis, hemophilia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Specialty drugs are those, which are prescribed for a person with a complex or chronic medical condition. Drugs that are used to treat rare conditions or requires support beyond the traditional medication system also fall under this. They are generally costlier and require special storage and shipment situations. Because of such complexities and unconventional demands, they are not found in most general pha

Heart disorders vs Cardiovascular diseases: What is the difference?

For the diagnosis of Cardiovascular diseases , it is often seen that the term “Cardiovascular diseases” is misunderstood and used interchangeably for “Heart disorders/diseases”. But very few know the difference between both the terms and why are they often used wrong. This article will explain what both of these terms actually mean and how are they different from each other. Further, we can read about types of cardiovascular diseases and which part of the heart or vascular system does it affect. Heart disorders: ‘Heart disease’ is a term used to represent a variety of disorders that affect the functioning and structure of the heart? It includes the heart, as well as the blood vessels associated with it. The most common types of heart diseases are Coronary heart disease, arrhythmias (abnormal heart rates), and valvular diseases (stenosis, regurgitation). Cardiovascular diseases: It is very important to note that ‘cardiovascular disease’ is an umbrella term for all disorders affe

Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons: Who are they and What is the difference?

People often do not know the difference between cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. They often confuse one with the other. This article talks about who Cardiologists and Cardiac surgeons are, and what is the difference between them. Cardiologist A cardiologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of heart functioning, disorders, and their treatment. These heart conditions include disorders like heart attack, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, valvular disorders, and heart infections. Cardiologists also educate on habits that promote heart health. They practice privately or even in hospitals. Best Cardiologists in India . Cardiologist studies each and every part of our cardiovascular system that involves your heart and vascular system. They go through medical school in order to practice it in real life. A typical cardiologist undergoes about 10 years of medical training, at least. So when do you need to see a cardiologist? If you have the following symptoms, you should seek

What is the normal count of platelets: When to get yourself tested? | MrMed

  Before understanding what is low or high level of platelet count in your body, let us first understand what platelets exactly are, and what role they play in our body. So what are platelets? Whenever we scratch or cut ourselves, we start bleeding. After a few minutes, we see the blood drying and forming a crusty texture and over the exposed skin. This is done in order to stop the cut from bleeding out more and more blood. This process of clotting in order to stop bleeding is carried out by colorless cell-like structures called platelets. So, Platelets are nothing but cell fragments that form clots to stop bleeding. Platelets are also known as Thrombocytes. Platelet Count Platelet count refers to the number of platelets in your bloodstream per microliter of blood. A normal human has an average platelet count of 150,000-200,000. For a woman, it is around 157,000-371,000, while that for men is 135,000-317,000 per microliter of blood. Platelets only live in the body for around 10 d

What is the link between Black Fungus and Covid-19? | MrMed

Thousands of people had contracted the black fungal infection after the treatment of covid-19. Here is all you have to know about what is the link between covid-19 and the fungal infection, and how to safeguard ourselves from contracting the same. Before that let us understand what causes both the diseases. There are several myths and facts rummaging around the country with regards to the Black fungus . Stay updated and do not believe in rumors. Covid-19 COVID-19 is caused by the newly discovered pathogen, Coronavirus. The most dangerous characteristic of the virus is the rapidity of its spread from person to person. The virus primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or the nose discharge upon sneezing, talking, or coughing of an infected person. Hence a mask becomes one of the most essential pieces of equipment for prevention and precaution from the disease. The coronavirus enters into our body and latches its spiky surface to healthy blood cells in our body, especially the

Heart DiseasesTypes And Treatment |

Heart disease is like an umbrella term for a wide range of cardiovascular problems. There are a lot of types of heart diseases. More than 4.5 million people have died from cardiovascular diseases in India in the year 2020. Since the 2000s Cardiovascular Diseases have remained the leading cause of mortality in India. The quality of treatment for CVDs varies significantly depending on the income groups. Best Heart Treatment Hospitals . Let us now have a look at the top 4 leading variants of CVDs in India ranked according to disability caused) 1.     Ischemic heart disease: Ischemic heart disease is when you get recurring chest pain or discomfort because apart of the heart is not able to receive enough blood (usually due to plaque buildup) Treatments for IHD include certain prescribed lifestyle changes, medication, angioplasty and surgery. Fortis Escorts Hospital in New Delhi and Apollo Hospital in Chennai is one of the best hospitals for the treatment of this condition. 2.